A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Field Sparrow (1/27/22)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Field Sparrow (1/27/22)

It was a quiet afternoon in Cape Henlopen State Park and we only saw nine species. First, we birded the Fishing Pier and saw these birds: surf scoter, bufflehead, double-crested cormorant, ring-billed gull, and herring gull. Next we went to The Point but only birded near the parking lot area. By the bay side, we saw song sparrow, field sparrow (two eating grass seeds along the sandy path), common loon, and two bald eagles along the lighthouse jetty. On the beach, we saw ring-billed gull, double-crested cormorant, and herring gull.

MY PHOTOS: field sparrow x 2, herring gull x 2, ring-billed gull


Species Counted


    1. Rich Giannola

      You’re welcome. We’ve known for some time that this area has a great variety of birds. There is so much to see here. We enjoy watching (and photographing) them a lot.

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