I went on a field trip with the Sussex Bird Club to Cape Henlopen State Park. First, we walked around the 2.6-mile-long Walking Dunes Trail. Some of the birds we identified along this trail included red-winged blackbird, downy woodpecker, brown-headed nuthatch, Cooper’s hawk, northern harrier, bald eagle, Carolina wren, eastern bluebird, yellow-rumped warbler, and great blue heron. Second, we went to the Herring Point overlook to see the ocean from a high vantage point. There were many northern gannets, many of which were immature. Other birds identified here were less-er black-backed gull, surf scoter, red-throated loon, bald eagle, white ibis, royal tern, and ring-billed gull.
MY PHOTOS: downy woodpecker, white ibis, northern gannet, red-winged blackbird, ring-billed gull