A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Caspian Tern (9/10/21)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Caspian Tern (9/10/21)

Our first stop was along the bay shore below The Point parking lot. The tide was high so there weren’t that many birds along the beach. Several brown pelicans were seen flying low over the water towards The Point. Nearby, we also identified turkey vulture, Caspian tern, sanderling, laughing gull, and herring gull. We went to the north side of Gordon’s Pond Trail next. In the marsh to the east of the trail by the observation area, we saw several white ibises (immatures and adults), a couple of glossy ibises, great egrets, snowy egrets, and a great blue heron. Other birds we identified included osprey, semipalmated plover, short-billed dowitcher, Forster’s tern, common tern, semipalmated sandpiper, Carolina chickadee, and Carolina wren.

MY PHOTOS: Caspian tern, osprey, sanderling, laughing gull


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