I birded three areas of the park on this warm summer morning. The first stop was the along the bay shore below The Point parking lot. I saw ring-billed, laughing, and herring gulls there. Other birds included ospreys, two American oystercatchers, and northern mockingbirds. Along the Seaside Nature Trail, some of the birds I identified were American robins, Forster’s terns, purple martins, and Carolina chickadees. My final stop was along the fishing pier. The highlight was a brown pelican among some royal terns on the old pier pilings. Some other birds seen from the fishing pier included laughing gulls, Forster’s terns, and ospreys.
MY PHOTOS: brown pelican (with royal terns), osprey, northern mockingbird, laughing gull, Forster’s tern, royal tern

How can you not like that Pelican shot (with feathered friends), that is great!
Thanks, Jay! I like taking photos of pelicans. Although we see some here, we see tons of them when we go to Florida.