A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Broadkill Beach: Featuring a Sanderling (1/19/21)

Birding at Broadkill Beach: Featuring a Sanderling (1/19/21)

In Part 1 of our afternoon birding outing, we went to Broadkill Beach and birded the northern half of the beach. When we first parked our car, an adult bald eagle flew over us, so that was a good start. We saw two more bald eagles (one adult and one juvenile) over the beach shortly thereafter. We saw a variety of waterfowl and seabirds including surf scoters, a close-in sanderling, greater scaups, ruddy ducks, buffleheads, northern gannets, and a red-throated loon. Gulls included herring and great and lesser black-backed. In the distance to the north, we saw a flock of snow geese.

MY PHOTOS: sanderling, great black-backed gull, greater scaups, herring gull, lesser black-backed gull, surf scoters


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