We spent over six hours birding today at Bombay Hook NWR. Birds were everywhere and we identified 56 species. We started at the Visitor’s Center and some of the birds we identified included purple martin, gray catbird, American goldfinch, and common yellowthroat. Along the Raymond Pool Trail and on the observation tower, some of the birds we saw were eastern towhee, black-and-white warbler, yellow warbler, green-winged teal, red-winged blackbird, semipalmated plover, American avocet, mute swan, and short-billed dowitchers. We identified 30 species along this trail and from the tower. The next stop was the Boardwalk Trail where we saw marsh wren, tree swallow, three bald eagles (one adult and two immatures), willet, barn swallow, and eastern kingbird. Our fourth area was Raymond Pool from the side of the road and we found snowy egret, mute swan, northern harrier, great egret, American avocet (14), dunlin, great blue heron, and yellow warbler. Next, we covered Shearness Pool and the marsh across the road from it. Some birds we saw there among the 26 species we identified were greater yellowlegs, double-crested cormorant, bald eagle (four adults and two immatures), black-bellied plover, willet, semipalmated plover, glossy ibis, dunlin, and great egret. The Bear Swamp Trail was pretty good and we identified, among other birds, red-eyed vireo, white-throated sparrow, blue jay, semipalmated plover, and dunlin. We identified several birds around the Bear Swamp Pool including eastern towhee, common yellowthroat, red-eyed vireo, black-bellied plover, Canada goose, green winged teal, and white-eyed vireo. Our eighth and final stop was the Shearness Observation Tail and tower where we found eastern towhee, red-winged blackbird, black-bellied plover, snowy egret, an immature bald eagle, red-bellied woodpecker, and northern cardinal.
MY PHOTOS: willet, red-winged blackbird, yellow warbler, snowy egret, American avocet, glossy ibises, mallards, great egret, bald eagle x 2, mute swan