There was quite a variety of birds today at Bombay Hook NWR as we identified 62 species. All the pools and marsh areas were filled with water. Birds identified at the Visitor’s Center included yellow warbler, American goldfinch, eastern towhee, tree swallow, and common yellowthroat. Along the Raymond’s Pool Trail and Observation Tower, some birds we identified were house wren, blue-gray gnatcatcher, white-eyed vireo, gray catbird, osprey, barn swallow, turkey vulture, and Caspian tern. Along the road leading to Raymond Pool were four wild turkeys. One was a male by the road displaying to attract the attention of one of the females. Other birds identified included black-bellied plover, marsh wren, willet, mallard, eastern kingbird, lesser yellowlegs, black-necked stilt, purple martin, clapper rail, and snowy egret. Birds in Shearness Pool included great egret, mute swan, double-crested cormorant, Canada goose, ruddy duck, ring-billed gull, and northern harrier. At mid-afternoon, we saw at least 20 bald eagles, mostly in the marsh area on the bay side of the road. Birds identified in Finis Pool included great-crested flycatcher, ovenbird, spotted sandpiper, wood thrush, mallard, and green heron. Among other birds along Bear Swamp Trail, we identified white-throated sparrow, great blue heron, mute swan, tree swallow, and laughing gull. Birds identified along Bear Swamp Pool included clapper rail, greater yellowlegs, field sparrow, dunlin, green-winged teal, semipalmated sandpiper, semipalmated plover, black-bellied plover, least sandpiper, house wren, and red-eyed vireo.
MY PHOTOS: wild turkey x 2, ruddy duck, common yellowthroat, black-necked stilt, bald eagle, great-crested flycatcher, eastern towhee