A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Snowy Egret (09/22/20)

Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Snowy Egret (09/22/20)

This afternoon’s trip covered the Boardwalk Trail, Raymond Pool, Shearness Pool and Marsh, and Bear Swamp Pool. We found great and snowy egrets, prairie warbler, dunlin, red-breasted nuthatch, and two bald eagles (one adult and one immature) along the Boardwalk Trail. Among the birds we identified in Raymond Pool were dunlin, short-billed dowitcher, American avocet, mallard, Caspian tern, and barn swallow. In Shearness Pool and the adjacent marsh, we saw great and snowy egrets, royal tern, mute swan, and pied-billed grebe. Birds found in Bear Swamp Pool included semipalmated plover, Caspian and Forster’s terns, and Canada geese.

MY PHOTOS: snowy egret, double-crested cormorant, prairie warbler, great blue heron


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