This morning started out with a little fog but that cleared out by around 10:00 AM. We covered four areas of the refuge. The Raymond Pool observation tower gave us great views of the pool including Canada geese, American avocets, northern pintails, green-winged teal, northern shovelers, and buffleheads.
We saw many of the same species in Shearness Pool including pied-billed grebes, American wigeons, American coots, and both swans (mute and tundra). It was here that we spotted a ruby-crowned kinglet. We found black-bellied and semipalmated plovers, gadwalls, and killdeer in Bear Swamp Pool. We saw three bald eagles from the Boardwalk Trail, three adults and one immature.
MY PHOTOS: ruby-crowned kinglet, song sparrow, northern harrier, great blue heron, waterfowl, bald eagle, American avocet