A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Northern Harrier (2/26/24)

Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Northern Harrier (2/26/24)

We made five stops in the refuge. Near the refuge’s new visitor center that just opened a few days ago, we identified turkey vulture, red-winged blackbird, Carolina wren, blue jay, and Canada goose. Our next stop was Raymond Pool. Some of the birds we saw here included northern harrier, northern shoveler, bald eagle, tundra swan, ruddy duck, northern pintail, and ring-billed gull. We went to Shearness Pool next and identified 20 birds including mute swan, mallard, American black duck, hooded merganser, tundra swan, bald eagle, green-winged teal, ring-necked duck, common merganser, northern pintail, gadwall, bufflehead, song sparrow, northern harrier, great egret, northern shoveler, and great blue heron. There were few birds at Beaver Pond and we identified only Canada goose, Carolina wren, American robin, and turkey vulture. Finally, we identified 19 birds at Bear Swamp Pool including killdeer, dunlin, mute swan, green-winged teal, ring-billed gull, white-throated sparrow, merlin, mallard, northern mockingbird, Carolina wren, common merganser, Canada goose, and great blue heron.

MY PHOTOS: northern harrier, northern shoveler, great egret, ring-billed gull, mute swan, song sparrow, Canada goose


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