A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring an Eastern Bluebird (11/20/21)

Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring an Eastern Bluebird (11/20/21)

I went on a field trip this morning with the Sussex Bird Club to Assawoman State Wildlife Area. We started in the field behind the entrance parking lot. Birds we identified here included eastern bluebird, chipping sparrow, several hermit thrushes, pine warbler, and white-throated sparrow. Our next stop was Sassafras Landing where we saw, among other birds, an adult bald eagle, hooded merganser, bufflehead, turkey vulture, and black vulture. From here, we went out and made a left turn onto the dirt road and parked outside the Sassafras reforest area. There were several eastern bluebirds and pine warblers here. We wanted to go to Strawberry Landing next but it was closed for hunting, so we continued on Mulberry Landing Road to the observation tower. There were many varieties of waterfowl in the water on both sides of the road. Some of these bids included pied-billed grebe, gadwall, mute swan, American wigeon, American coot, ring-necked duck, Canada goose, great blue heron, and hooded merganser. A flock of about 12 white ibises flew over Mulberry Pond (tower side). Our last stop was Mulberry Landing where we saw the most species (19) including waterfowl in Mulberry Pond. Some birds that we saw here were blue-winged teal, song sparrow, dark-eyed junco, downy woodpecker, mute swan, American black duck, ring-billed gull, American robin, gadwall, and ruby-crowned kinglet. In addition, a flock of about 26 white ibises flew overhead.

MY PHOTOS: eastern bluebird, bald eagle, blue-winged teal, chipping sparrow, song sparrow, mute swan


Species Counted