A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape May Point State Park: Featuring a Mute Swan (6/11/24)

Birding at Cape May Point State Park: Featuring a Mute Swan (6/11/24)

We covered three trails in the short time we were at the park. Some of the birds we identified from the hawk watch Observation Deck were mute swan, common yellowthroat, laughing gull, fish crow, indigo bunting, northern cardinal, and purple martin. Next, we took the Red Trail. Some of the birds we identified there included Carolina wren, red-winged blackbird, pine warbler, common yellowthroat, osprey, mute swan, great blue heron, indigo bunting, and tufted titmouse. Along the Yellow/Blue Trail, birds we identified included field sparrow, killdeer, Canada goose, tree swallow, American oystercatcher, mallard, fish crow, Forster’s tern, mute swan, and red-winged blackbird.

MY PHOTOS: mute swan, osprey, laughing gull, killdeer


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