A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring an Orchard Oriole (5/25/24)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring an Orchard Oriole (5/25/24)

I helped lead a Sussex Bird Club field trip in conjunction with the Milton Horseshow Crab and Shorebird Festival. We covered three areas starting at the Visitor’s Center. Birds identified here included purple martin, chipping sparrow, eastern towhee, American goldfinch, Canada goose, and house wren. We went to the Boardwalk Trail next. Some of the birds we identified here were indigo bunting, brown-headed cowbird, orchard oriole, cedar waxwing, great-crested flycatcher, Carolina wren, snowy egret, dunlin, northern flicker, and great blue heron. Our last area was the Dike Trail. Birds seen here included black vulture, Forster’s tern, dunlin, bald eagle (imm.), osprey, great blue heron, blue grosbeak, laughing gull, eastern wood-peewee, orchard oriole, eastern kingbird, brown-headed nuthatch, barn swallow, tree swallow, and black-bellied plover.

MY PHOTOS: orchard oriole, brown-headed cowbird, osprey, Forster’s tern, common yellowthroat, cedar waxwing, black vulture


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