A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Assateague Island National Seashore: Featuring an Eastern Towhee (5/20/24)

Birding at Assateague Island National Seashore: Featuring an Eastern Towhee (5/20/24)

This was our first visit to Assateague Island in seven months and we covered our usual four areas. The first stop was Life of the Marsh. Birds found in this are included willet, Forster’s tern, American oystercatcher, black-bellied plover, dunlin, laughing gull, ruddy turnstone, least tern, bald eagle, orchard oriole, willet, great egret, and semipalmated sandpiper. We came back in the afternoon and added eastern kingbird, least sandpiper, semipalmated plover, and boat-tailed grackle. Old Ferry Landing was the next stop. Some of the birds we identified here were red-winged blackbird, barn swallow, mallard, double-crested cormorant, snowy egret, clapper rail, and American oystercatcher. We came back in the afternoon and added brown pelican, willet, and turkey vulture. Our third stop was Life of the Forest. Birds we identified here included eastern towhee, eastern wood-peewee, Carolina wren, northern cardinal, willet, great-crested flycatcher, common loon, house wren, great egret, pine warbler, and yellow-throated warbler. The last area we went to was Life of the Dunes. Some of the birds we identified here were brown pelican, brown thrasher, gray catbird, prairie warbler, field sparrow, fish crow, and Carolina chickadee.

MY PHOTOS: eastern towhee, ruddy turnstone, eastern kingbird, least sandpiper, willet, semipalmated plover, dunlin, great egret


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