A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Milton Reimers Ranch Park: Featuring a Black-Chinned Hummingbird (4/10/24)

Birding at Milton Reimers Ranch Park: Featuring a Black-Chinned Hummingbird (4/10/24)

We started out by walking the trails near the Pavilion followed by the River trails. Most of the birds that we identified in this park were from these trails. Some of these birds were summer tanager (by the parking lot), lark sparrow, Swainson’s hawk, lesser goldfinch, Bewick’s wren, field sparrow, black-chinned hummingbird (in the flowers across the street from the parking lot), Bell’s vireo, black vulture, red-eyed vireo, verdin, ladder-backed woodpecker, house finch, northern cardinal, brown-headed cowbird, and red-shouldered hawk. Next, we went to North Shore and identified turkey vulture, black vulture, field sparrow, blue-gray gnatcatcher, lark sparrow, northern cardinal, black-crested titmouse, and great egret (2 flying high over the river). Our last stop was River Bluff. We spent a short time there and only identified song sparrow.

MY PHOTOS: black-chinned hummingbird, lark sparrow, Swainson’s hawk


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