After Roy Guerrero Park, we drove to Pond 2 in the Hornsby Bend water treatment plant and walked along part of that pond. Some of the birds we identified there included northern shoveler, eared grebe, American coot, ruddy duck, and blue-winged teal. After that, we drove to the small parking area between Pond 1 East and Pond 1 West. There were many “peeps” but they were sometimes hard to identify due to the cloud cover and wind shaking the scope. The majority of the birds there were American coots. Other birds seen there were black-necked stilt, barn swallow, chimney swift, turkey vulture, least sandpiper, western sandpiper, killdeer, and red-winged blackbird. We also a saw scissor-tailed flycatcher flying. Some other birds we identified included Savannah sparrow, northern cardinal, barn swallow, and white-throated sparrow. Before we left at the entry point to Pond 2, we saw a small group of cattle egrets fly in and land by the rocks.
MY PHOTOS: American coot, northern shoveler, ruddy duck, cattle egret