I went on a field trip to Gordon’s Pond Trail southside with the Sussex Bird Club. Before hitting the trail, we went to the beach for a quick look and saw double-crested cormorant, common loon, red-throated loon, and northern gannet. Along the trail at the first pond on the right were eight mute swans. In this area we also saw American black duck, killdeer, red-breasted merganser, and Bonaparte’s gull. Five bald eagles (2 adults, 3 imms.) were spotted along the trail. A great horned owl was resting on a platform past the observation deck and on the west side of the trail. Other birds identified included red-winged blackbird, yellow-rumped warbler, American robin, osprey, Carolina chickadee, bufflehead, greater yellowlegs, white-throated sparrow, pine warbler, northern cardinal, and great blue heron.
MY PHOTOS: mute swan x2, bald eagle, red-throated loon, red-winged blackbird