A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Weaver Park: Featuring a Spotted Sandpiper (1/23/24)

Birding at Weaver Park: Featuring a Spotted Sandpiper (1/23/24)

We covered the two areas of the park we usually do. In the park area behind the pond were two roseate spoonbills sleeping. Other birds seen by or in the pond include lesser scaup, great egret, white ibis, snowy egret, redhead, double-crested cormorant, tricolored heron, and mallard. Also in the park were several blue-gray gnatcatchers. We walked across the street to the end of the pier. Some of the birds seen here included spotted sandpiper, anhinga, little blue heron, herring gull, ring-billed gull, osprey, and fish crow.

MY PHOTOS: spotted sandpiper, roseate spoonbill


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