A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Honeymoon Island State Park: Featuring a Bald Eagle (1/22/24)

Birding at Honeymoon Island State Park: Featuring a Bald Eagle (1/22/24)

It was a cloudy day but we did reasonably well in seeing 37 species. We walked through three areas of the park with the first stop at the Nature Center. The tide was low so we saw many swimming and wading birds behind the building. Among the birds we saw were killdeer, great egret, tricolored heron, bald eagle, black-bellied plover, American oystercatcher, reddish egret, brown pelican, white pelican, horned grebe, willet, white ibis, red-breasted merganser, ruddy turnstone, tricolored heron, great blue heron, and osprey. Our second stop was along the Osprey Trail. At the end of the trail was a pair of bald eagles with one in the nest and the other watching nearby. We also saw a great horned owl high in a tree along and just to the right of the first cut-through path on the left. Other birds seen along the trail included yellow-rumped warbler, red-bellied woodpecker, osprey, eastern towhee, northern cardinal, pine warbler, blue-gray gnatcatcher, downy woodpecker, and palm warbler. Our last stop was at North Beach where we saw many royal terns resting on the beach. Other birds seen here included ring-billed gull, little blue heron, American oystercatcher, Forster’s tern, laughing gull, and brown pelican.

MY PHOTOS: bald eagle, little blue heron, royal tern, osprey, killdeer, yellow-rumped warbler, northern cardinal, red-bellied woodpecker


Species Counted


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