A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Bombay Hook NWR – Featuring Sandhill Cranes (9/16/23)

Birding at Bombay Hook NWR – Featuring Sandhill Cranes (9/16/23)

We spent the day throughout the refuge and covered seven areas. Near the Visitor’s Center, we identified northern cardinal, blue jay, northern flicker, and gray catbird. We picked up the most species (20) in Raymond Pool including American avocet (more than 100), lesser yellowlegs, northern shoveler, short-billed dowitcher, marsh wren, semipalmated sandpiper, green-winged teal, red-shouldered hawk, and marbled godwit (mixing in with the avocets). Some of the birds we saw in Shearness Pool were bald eagle, great egret, gray catbird, greater yellowlegs, American white pelican (2), glossy ibis, Caspian tern, short-billed dowitcher, and willet. We saw a few birds in Beaver Pond including blue jay (several), great egret, great blue heron, and belted kingfisher. In Finis Pool, we only identified white-eyed vireo, turkey vulture, and bald eagle. The highlight in Bear Swamp Pool was the two sandhill cranes. We also saw a peregrine falcon there chasing a large groups of peeps. Some of the birds we identified along the Boardwalk Trail included brown thrasher, white-eyed vireo, double-crested cormorant, great egret, and bald eagle (imm., in the distant trees).

MY PHOTOS: sandhill crane x 2, gray catbird, great egret, American white pelican, peregrine falcon, red-shouldered hawk, bald eagle


Species Counted