A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Weaver Park – Featuring a Tricolored Heron (1/24/23)

Birding at Weaver Park – Featuring a Tricolored Heron (1/24/23)

The first park we went to this afternoon was Weaver Park. There were several birds in the industrial plant pond area behind the fence. We found double-crested cormorant, osprey, great egret, mallard, white ibis, lesser scaup, snowy egret, Bonaparte’s gull, turkey vulture, little blue heron, and palm warbler. Along the pier we saw double-crested cormorant, tricolored heron, laughing gull, northern mockingbird, little blue heron, spotted sandpiper, great egret, and osprey.

MY PHOTOS: tricolored heron, little blue heron, palm warbler


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