A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Dunedin Causeway – Featuring an Osprey (1/23/23)

Birding at Dunedin Causeway – Featuring an Osprey (1/23/23)

After our morning trip to Largo, we spent part of the afternoon walking along the Dunedin Causeway from near the hotel by Alt.19 to just over the far end of the bridge. We also walked through a small park on the south side of the causeway. We saw the following birds here: American anhinga, turkey vulture, osprey, great egret, fish crow, yellow-rumped warbler, laughing gull, brown pelican, double-crested cormorant, rock pigeon, great blue heron, sanderling, little blue heron, white ibis, and northern mockingbird.

MY PHOTOS: osprey, brown pelican, double-crested cormorant


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