A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring Brants (11/4/22)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring Brants (11/4/22)

We birded in three areas of the park. Most of our time was spend along the Gordon’s Pond Trail (north side). The highlight was seeing two tricolored herons on the top of a cedar tree. Other birds we identified included yellow-rumped warbler, ruby-crowned kinglet, golden-crowned kinglet, brown-headed nuthatch, red-breasted nuthatch, swamp sparrow, wood duck, greater yellowlegs, eastern bluebird, and red-winged blackbird. Next, we went to The Point below the parking lot. It was low tide. There were at least 40 or so brants swimming in the water. Other birds we saw included common loon, royal tern, surf scoter, great black-backed gull, and yellow-rumped warbler. Our last stop was the Hawk Watch platform where the hawk watch count was in progress. The wind was from the east so it was not favorable for hawk migration. Some of the birds we identified were turkey vulture, Cooper’s hawk, double-crested cormorant, and northern cardinal.

MY PHOTOS: brant, tricolored heron x 2, northern cardinal, yellow-rumped warbler, song sparrow


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