A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring a Northern Parula (10/14/22)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring a Northern Parula (10/14/22)

We birded in three areas of the refuge today. Some of the birds we saw at the Visitor’s Center included American robin, white-throated sparrow, northern mockingbird, and American goldfinch. We saw 15 species along the Dike Trail. There were large groups of American avocets and Canada geese in the pool on the south side of the dike. Other birds seen along the trail included Forster’s tern, merlin, red-winged blackbird, yellow-rumped warbler, laughing gull, and greater yellowlegs. The last trail we covered was the Boardwalk Trail. The highlight on this trail was a northern parula. Other birds identified along this trail included great blue heron, belted kingfisher, greater yellowlegs, Carolina wren, red-bellied woodpecker, gray catbird, and northern cardinal.

MY PHOTOS: northern parula, yellow-rumped warbler, Forster’s tern


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