A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Quillens Point: Featuring Double-Crested Cormorants (10/12/22)

Birding at Quillens Point: Featuring Double-Crested Cormorants (10/12/22)

I went on a birdwalk with the Sussex Bird Club. The next destination after we finished James Farm Ecological Preserve was just up the road a few minutes to Quillens Point. Many of the birds we saw were distant including a bald eagle, belted kingfisher, northern harrier, and great blue heron. A flock of about two dozen double-crested cormorants flew overhead. Some other birds we saw were laughing gull, fish crow, boat-tailed grackle, song sparrow, and white-throated sparrow.

MY PHOTOS: double-crested cormorant, laughing gull


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