A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Chincoteague NWR: Featuring a Royal Tern (9/27/22)

Birding at Chincoteague NWR: Featuring a Royal Tern (9/27/22)

We birded in six areas of the refuge today. The most species (15) were seen along Beach Road including great egret, snowy egret, American black duck, white ibis, tricolored heron, great blue heron, Forster’s tern, and royal tern. At Tom’s Cove Visitor’s Center, birds we saw included American oystercatcher, red-winged blackbird, and boat-tailed grackle. The Main Beach only had laughing gull, Forster’s tern, and turkey vulture. At Little Tom’s Cove, there were about 16 American oystercatchers and other birds including herring gull, double-crested cormorant, and royal tern. The highlight from the Wildlife Loop parking lot to the Causeway was five turkeys in the woods. Other birds identified there were American robin, northern flicker, turkey vulture, great egret, and red-bellied woodpecker. Except for a ditch on the inside of the beginning of the loop, Wildlife Loop was bone dry. The only interesting birds we saw in the distant dead trees was a bald eagle and a red-shouldered hawk.

MY PHOTOS: royal tern, great egret, snowy egret, tricolored heron, great blue heron, herring gull


Species Counted