A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Northern Cardinal (7/19/22)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Northern Cardinal (7/19/22)

We covered four areas of the park this morning. We began at Herring Point where some of the birds we saw were brown pelicans (7), northern cardinal, laughing gull, osprey, and semipalmated sandpiper. Next, we moved to The Point area below the parking lot. The tide was low so we saw many birds on the sandbars and pools. Some of the birds we saw there and flying in the bay included piping plover, semipalmated plover, royal tern, least tern, osprey, ruddy turnstone, and American oystercatcher. We saw more woodland birds our next stop along the Seaside Nature Trail. Some of these birds were blue grosbeak, Carolina chickadee, field sparrow, laughing gull, house finch, and fish crow. Our last stop was along the fishing pier. There wasn’t much variety here but we saw double-crested cormorant, royal tern, laughing gull, and rock pigeon among a few others.

MY PHOTOS: northern cardinal, osprey, blue grosbeak, semipalmated plover, piping plover


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