A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Trustom Pond NWR: Featuring a Wood Duck (6/21/22)

Birding at Trustom Pond NWR: Featuring a Wood Duck (6/21/22)

We birded most of the trails in the refuge. Starting at the contact station, we walked part of the Farm Field Loop Trail to the Osprey Point Trail to the Red Maple Swamp Trail to the Otter Point Trail. The dominant bird species we saw today were gray catbirds followed by yellow warblers. Other birds we identified included eastern towhee, common yellowthroat, osprey, wood duck, downy woodpecker, tree swallow, black-capped chickadee, white-eyed vireo, mute swan (5), field sparrow, American crow, eastern wood-peewee, blue jay, and Canada goose.

MY PHOTOS: wood duck, common yellowthroat, osprey, gray catbird x 2, tree swallow


Species Counted