A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Redden State Forest: Featuring an American Robin (5/10/22)

Birding at Redden State Forest: Featuring an American Robin (5/10/22)

Our first stop in Redden State Forest was in the Headquarters Tract. Many of the birds were found between the parking lot and the lodge. Of note, we saw a few summer tanagers (male and female) and a couple of worm-eating warblers. Other birds identified included eastern wood-peewee, chipping sparrow, laughing gull, yellow-throated warbler, American robin, wood thrush, ruby-throated hummingbird (pair), ovenbird, American goldfinch, red-eyed vireo, northern cardinal, brown-headed cowbird, and blue-gray gnatcatcher. We identified 22 species in this tract. After this stop, we drove to the nearby Jester Tract. We walked the loop trail behind the parking lot. We identified five warblers along this trail: common yellowthroat, black-and-white warbler, ovenbird, yellow-throated warbler, and worm-eating warbler. Other birds we identified included barn swallow, pileated woodpecker, blue jay, gray catbird, turkey vulture, Carolina wren, blue grosbeak, Carolina chickadee, white-eyed vireo, American crow, eastern towhee, and brown-headed cowbird. We identified 24 species in this tract.

MY PHOTOS: American robin, chipping sparrow, eastern wood-peewee, worm-eating warbler


Species Counted