A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Blydenburgh County Park: Featuring a Cooper’s Hawk (4/2/22)

Birding at Blydenburgh County Park: Featuring a Cooper’s Hawk (4/2/22)

We birded in the north side of the park that included fields, woods, lake shore, dam, and historic area. A yellow-bellied sapsucker landed briefly in a tree by the parking lot. Birds on and by the lake included osprey, mute swan (4 or 5), Canada goose, mallard, and double-crested cormorant. A Cooper’s hawk landed in a tree along one of the trails for at least 10 minutes. Birds in the historic area included song sparrow, American goldfinch, and pine warbler. Other birds identified included American robin, brown-headed cowbird, and common grackle.

MY PHOTOS: Cooper’s hawk, song sparrow, pine warbler, American robin, mute swan


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