A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Snow Goose (1/13/22)

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Snow Goose (1/13/22)

We went to two areas of the park this morning. The first area was the south side of Indian River Inlet including the beach. The wind was unusually calm for this area. Some of the birds we saw were dunlin, northern gannet, ruddy turnstone, long-tailed duck, red-throated loon, one snow goose floating on the inlet waterway, large groups of buffleheads, sanderling, purple sandpiper, and herring gull. Some yellow-rumped warblers were in the pine trees near the beach. Next, we went to Burton Island. There was no hunting today so we were able to walk the trail loop. Some of the birds we identified included bufflehead, house finch, Carolina wren, American robin, song sparrow, white-throated sparrow, hooded merganser (male-female pair), turkey vulture, and northern mockingbird.

MY PHOTOS: snow goose, double-crested cormorant, house finch, long-tailed duck x 2, yellow-rumped warbler


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