A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR Fowler Beach: Featuring a Horned Lark (11/11/21)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR Fowler Beach: Featuring a Horned Lark (11/11/21)

I went on a field trip today with the Sussex Bird Club to Fowler Beach. The weather was mild. We met at the parking lot and walked to the beach where we split up into two groups. My group walked to the north so we did not see all the same birds as the group that walked to the south. We saw horned larks and Savannah (Ipswich) sparrows on the beach. Along the shoreline and in the water we saw sanderling, black-bellied plover, red-throated loon, surf scoter (flock), ring-billed gull, herring gull, double-crested cormorants (flocks), gadwall (flock), and great black-backed gull. In the distance was a great a red-tailed hawk and great blue heron. In the water along the path to the beach were American black ducks and a female bufflehead. Northern harriers were busy working the marsh but we did not see any short-eared owls.

MY PHOTOS: horned lark, sanderling, surf scoter, ring-billed gull, northern harrier, double-crested cormorant


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