A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring Roseate Spoonbills (9/20/21)

Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring Roseate Spoonbills (9/20/21)

Our visit to Bombay Hook NWR started at Shearness Pool. We found the four roseate spoonbills near the parking pullout. We also saw about 15 common gallinules, most of them chicks. Other birds we saw in the pool included pied-billed grebe, bobolink, mute swan, northern harrier, great egret, blue-winged teal (3), Caspian tern, and red-winged blackbird. We backtracked to Raymond Pool next where we saw American avocet (about 150), black-bellied plover, northern shoveler, osprey, and short-billed dowitcher. Bear Swamp Trail was quiet but we saw a belted kingfisher, norther harrier, and several great egrets. Some of the birds in Bear Swamp Pool included snowy egret, laughing gull, Canada goose, blue jay, and double-crested cormorant. We walked the Raymond Pool Trail and up the observation tower next. Some birds we identified there included black-bellied plover, American avocet, semipalmated sandpiper, greater yellowlegs, and short-billed dowitcher. The Boardwalk Trail was our last stop and we identified birds including bald eagle (in the distant trees), gray catbird, European starling, belted kingfisher, and great blue heron.

MY PHOTOS: roseate spoonbill, belted kingfisher, northern harrier, great egret, mute swan, bobolink, American avocet, Caspian tern, snowy egret


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