A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at DuPont Nature Center: Featuring a Virginia Rail (8/9/21)

Birding at DuPont Nature Center: Featuring a Virginia Rail (8/9/21)

Our first stop today was the DuPont Nature Center. Most birds we saw were from the raised platform along the side of the center. Some of the birds we saw included ruddy turnstone, osprey, barn swallow, song sparrow, American oystercatcher, least tern, spotted sandpiper, and semipalmated plover. We saw a Virginia rail in the tall grass and shallow water between the parking lot and the edge of the river. We walked down Lighthouse Road but didn’t add too many birds because the tide was almost high. The few birds we added were red-winged blackbird, an immature seaside sparrow, purple martin, Carolina wren, and killdeer.

MY PHOTOS: Virginia rail x 2, barn swallow, seaside sparrow, osprey, song sparrow


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