A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Common Yellowthroat (8/2/21)

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Common Yellowthroat (8/2/21)

We stopped at three areas of the park. Our first stop was Savage’s Ditch Road and we took the trail from the parking lot to the bay. This was our first visit here. We saw several brown pelicans flying by. One back-crowned night heron also flew by us. Other birds seen here included snowy and great egrets, Forster’s terns, and great black-backed gulls. Our second stop was at the Indian River Marina. We stopped there briefly and from the parking lot we saw purple martins, ospreys, and a northern mockingbird. Our last stop was Burton Island. Some of the birds we identified there included a handful of white ibises and brown pelicans. Other birds seen included a male-female pair of common yellowthroats, an eastern kingbird, common and Forster’s terns, barn swallows, red-winged blackbirds, and a single little blue heron, green heron, and spotted sandpiper.

MY PHOTOS: common yellowthroat x 2, brown pelican x 2, snowy egret x 2, barn swallow, osprey, laughing gull


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