A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring a Green Heron (7/30/21)

Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring a Green Heron (7/30/21)

We birded the same loop as we did last time we were here in March. The first stop was Sassafras Landing and some of the birds we identified there included common yellowthroat, snowy egret, osprey, laughing gull, and blue grosbeak. Next, we stopped at Strawberry Landing where we identified great egret, great blue heron, mourning dove, and Carolina wren. We went to the observation tower next and we climbed up to the first level. There wasn’t much room to stand there with the scope so we went back down to the ground. We saw a flock of three glossy ibises overhead, many great blue herons (at least ten), greater yellowlegs, purple martin, and American goldfinch. Our final stop was Mulberry Landing where we saw four mute swans, great egret, green heron, great blue heron, chipping sparrow, double-crested cormorant, and herring gull.

MY PHOTOS: green heron x 2, great blue herons, osprey, laughing gull, glossy ibises


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