A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring Double-Crested Cormorants (8/17/20)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring Double-Crested Cormorants (8/17/20)

We birded along the south side of Gordon’s Pond Trail from the parking lot to the north side of the observation deck. We saw several bank swallows in a dead tree. Barn swallows were also flying around. Perching birds seen included Carolina chickadee, blue grosbeak, brown-headed nuthatch, and northern cardinal. Wading birds included blue and green herons, snowy and great egrets, one glossy ibis flying, and American avocets. Shorebirds included greater and lesser yellowlegs, osprey, black skimmer, and double-crested cormorant.

MY PHOTOS: double-crested cormorants, great blue herons, pine warbler, snowy egrets, snowy egret


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