A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Snow Goose (12/28/20)

Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Snow Goose (12/28/20)

It was a cloudy start to the day at Bombay Hook NWR but we got some sun later on. We birded along Raymond Pool Observation Trail and on the tower, Shearness Pool Observation Trail and on the tower, Bear Swamp Pool, and along the roads in between. Waterfowl was plentiful. Flocks of snow geese flow over in the morning and there was a sizable raft of them (500 or more perhaps) resting on the water in the marsh.

Besides the snow geese, highlights included buffleheads, green-winged teal, hooded mergansers, mute and tundra swans, northern pintails, and northern shovelers. Several northern harriers and three bald eagles (two adults and one immature) were also spotted.

MY PHOTOS: snow goose, Shearness Pool, northern pintail, northern shovelers, northern harrier, mute swan, mallard, hooded mergansers, snow geese, green-winged teal, bufflehead


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