A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Mute Swan (8/30/20)

Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Mute Swan (8/30/20)

Today’s trip took us around the usual spots in the refuge—Raymond Pool, Shearness Pool and marsh, Bear Swamp Pool, Bear Swamp Observation Trail, and Raymond Pool Observation Trail. The Boardwalk Trail was closed due to flooding but we identified glossy ibises, greater yellowlegs, red-eyed vireo, and eastern wood-peewee from the parking area. Raymod Pool had several American avocets, Canada geese, and Forster’s terns. In the Shearness Pool and marsh area, we saw three immature bald eagles, ospreys, mute swans, Caspian terns, wood ducks, and semipalmated sandpipers. We identified belted kingfisher, American avocet, barn swallow, and immature black-crowned night heron in Bear Swamp Pool. We tallied 31 species today.

MY PHOTOS: mute swan, American avocet, great egret x 2, mute swans


Species Counted