A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Ruddy Duck (2/25/21)

Birding at Bombay Hook NWR: Featuring a Ruddy Duck (2/25/21)

I went on a field trip with the Coastal Camera Club’s Wildlife Special Interest Group. After initially caravanning from the parking lot, we spread out and I spent most of the morning on my own. I covered seven areas altogether and accumulated 31 bird species. In the Visitor’s Center area, I saw northern cardinal, turkey vulture, American robin, and house sparrow. Birds in Raymond Pool included northern pintail, northern shoveler, tundra swan, snow geese (flying), one tree swallow, mute swan, and an immature bald eagle. From the Raymond Pool observation trail and tower, I saw mallard, green-winged teal, American wigeon, and northern pintail. The Boardwalk Trail was mostly quiet although I saw northern shovelers and American wigeons on the pond to the right of the entry path. Birds in Shearness Pool and the swamp included bufflehead, northern harrier, ruddy duck, American coot, and mute swan. On the Bear Swamp Trail observation deck, I saw hooded mergansers, an adult bald eagle, a great blue heron, and a great egret. Bear Swamp Pool was active with birds including Savannah sparrow, tundra swan, greater yellowlegs, killdeer, American Black Duck, green-winged teal, and American black duck.

MY PHOTOS: ruddy duck, American coot, great egret, greater yellowlegs, mallards, mallard, northern pintail, tundra swans


Species Counted